What is a GP Management Plan?

GP Management Plans are part of a comprehensive and preventative health model. A GP Management Plan allows us to identify your personal health goals and who you want to be part of your health care team. Part of these plans is the Team Care Arrangement which invites your specialist doctors and allied health providers into the care team.

Medicare has specific eligibility requirements for a GPMP:

  1. You must have a condition that has been, or is likely to be, present for at least six months, including conditions like diabetes, asthma, arthritis, and heart disease.
  2. You must have 2 other care team members aside from your GP.
  3. You must be involved in the development of your plan
  4. GPMPs are not static documents; they are dynamic and need regular review to ensure they reflect the patient’s changing needs and circumstances. (Medicare allows us to do this every 3 months)

Why do a GPMP?

GPMPs facilitate better communication and coordination among healthcare providers. At Honeycomb Health we utilise a platform called Inca from Precedence Health. This cloud-based platform allows you access to your own medical summary and information, it also facilitates easy communication between you and your team.

Honeycomb Health is focused on a preventative care model. By addressing the various factors that contribute to your health, we can prevent issues from occurring or worsening.

At Honeycomb Health we have chosen to fully bulk bill all of our GP Management Plan (ie there is no out of pocket cost for these appointments).

Please be aware that Medicare does not allow us to do any other type of appointment on the same day as a GPMP. If you require a skin check or want to discuss your respiratory tract infection, we would need to reschedule the appointment for the GP Management Plan.

They also entitle you to 5 sessions with an allied health provider (per calendar year) that Medicare will provide a partial rebate for.

There are also 5 nurse appointments available (per calendar year) that can be used for a touch base, blood pressure checks, ECGs or other reviews as needed.

We can arrange a Multidisciplinary Team Meeting via video conference that allows your care team to meet with you together to discuss your progress and work with you to troubleshoot any difficulties.

Our Process at Honeycomb Health

Once we identify that you are eligible for a GP Management Plan you will be booked in for an appointment, 45 minutes with our nurse and 15 minutes with one of our doctors. – At this time the first part of the plan will be billed straight through to Medicare

The next step requires our admin team to reach out to your care provider and obtain their consent to be part of the GP Management Plan and the Team Care Arrangement. When we have obtained these consents can we bill the Team Care Arrangement to Medicare and send the EPC (Enhanced Primary Care) document through to your chosen allied health provider.

This informs them how many of the 5 sessions you have allocated to them Eg you may have 3 sessions with a physiotherapist and 2 sessions with a dietician.

We will book you in for a review appointment in 3 months’ time with our nurse – this is 30 minutes with the nurse and 15 minutes with the doctor. Then you can book in with your allied health provider and receive a Medicare Rebate for your attendance. Most of the time there is still an out-of-pocket cost for your allied health appointments.

We know this process is complex, please don’t hesitate to ask our friendly staff any questions you might have. If you would like to talk to our doctors about the possibility of a GP Management Plan. please follow these links to book an appointment: https://honeycombhealth.com.au/connect-with-us/

This is a link to further information from Medicare: