Honeycomb Health Payment Policy

Thank you for choosing Honeycomb Health as your primary care provider. We are committed to providing you with quality health care. Please carefully read our payment policy and direct any questions to our friendly reception staff.

Payment of services rendered:

All payments are expected to be paid in full on the day of service. Should this not be possible, a $25 (+GST) fee will be added to your account to cover the additional administrative work associated with chasing a payment.

If a patient is younger than 18 years of age, we will require a parent or guardian to be responsible for the account, and the above policy will still apply.

For payment we accept Visa, MasterCard and EFTPOS. If a cash payment would be necessary, please discuss this with reception staff at time of booking your appointment.

We have a strict 30-day payment procedure that is conducted as follows:

  • Payment is expected to be settled on the day. Should this not be possible an additional fee will be incurred (see above).
  • You will be contacted via phone the next day following your appointment for payment to be made.
  • Should payment not be settled, you will be contacted again 1 week after your appointment for payment.
  • Failure to make payment will result in a final attempt at contact being made at 2 weeks after your appointment date.
  • At 3 weeks post your appointment, if payment still has not been made you will be formally notified that your account will be passed along to a debt collector. You will have until the end of business that day to contact Honeycomb Health and settle your account.
  • If 30 days pass and your fee is still outstanding, your account will be passed along to a debt collector.

Honeycomb Health reserves the right to suspend the acceptance of appointments made by patients who have outstanding bills.

 Non-covered services:

  • Please note that some services are unable to be covered by Medicare or insurances. These services are required to be paid for on the day of your appointment and the aboe policy applies.

 Missed appointments:

  • Our policy is to charge half of your appointment fee, for every missed appointment where at least 2 hours notice hasn’t been given. These charges will be your responsibility and billed directly to you. Please help us to serve you better by keeping your regularly scheduled appointment or advising reception if you are unable to attend.

Compensation claims:

  • If your visit is related to a Worksafe, TAC claim or other insurance/law claims. You will still be required to pay your account on the day, and no Medicare rebate will be available, however we will provide you with a copy of your paid invoice for you to claim externally, please insure you inform reception when booking the appointment.
  • Should your account not be settled on the day, the above 30 day payment policy will still apply.


  • Please let reception know if there are any changes to your name, address, contact details, your employment, Medicare or Pension cards.

We believe that money should never be a reason for not seeking healthcare. If this policy has raised any concerns for you or if you have any questions, please discuss these with our friendly reception staff.

This payment policy is effective as of Feburary 1st 2024.